Mar 17, 2005 12:13
I'll be gone between Saturday March 19th until Wesndesday March 30th for Spring Break vacation. I won't have access to a computer in the country I'm going to, so if anyone needs me I won't be able to help until I get back. Sorry.
My Grandma's sick, so I'm going back to my hometown of Corozal, Puerto Rico to go see her. I doubt she'll remember me though, since she now has alzeimher's. Two days ago my Uncle died. I found out just yesterday. So far it hasn't hit me yet, since we weren't all that close. The most I remember of him is that he let me have a beer when I was 8, and that he had farmland that stretched for miles.
I know I'm going to get all teary eyed when I get back to Corozal. The Pharmacy, the old school, the old video store(where I used to rent Super Nintendo games), La Super Gangamart, the Photostore, the Magic Shop, the Baseball Stadium, walking 8 miles on my own just to get to the next town, these are all fond memories I have of Corozal.
At the Pharmacy I would buy nachos and slurpees, and was also where I first got a taste of American comicbooks. Batman, Spiderman, Sonic the Hedgehog, they were all favorites of mine in my childhood, and the Pharmacy was cool enough to stock English editions of them too.
At the video store I got to experience firsthand what crappy video gaming was about. I was young and careless, and was the type of kid who would rent just about any video game provided it looked cool enough. It was only after I had played over a hundred mediocre video games that I was able to find the really good Super Nintendo games in the store.
La Super Gangamart...I think I'll be able to return there now. It's been over 10 years, so I don't think they'll recognize me. When I was younger, I used to steal bags of cookies from there, and one time I even got caught. Nobody knows about that but me, but I figure it's been so long that confessing it doesn't matter now.
Damn, I could go on.
Hopefully I'll get to see the other Jose when I get there, provided he hasn't died or gotten shot, or moved away.
All the same, I feel nervous about going back to my hometown, nervous that the changes that have come to it may very well shatter the idealistic memories I have of it. Whatever. I'll be happy as long as some semblance of what it used to be is still there.