Super Junior's message - Super Show 2 DVD

Dec 07, 2010 02:26

This has probably been translated somewhere else before, but I wanted to give it a go since I really enjoyed the message and the dvd itself.
This is not a translation from Korean. I bought the original dvd and it came with Japanese subtitles too. Please keep in mind I translated this message from the subtitles. I wrote them all by myself and it took me quite a long time to rewrite them and to translate.
Please, if you use this, credit me or at least let me know.
Since I've been translating since August this year and I'm still a newbie ( even if I've been studying Japanese for almost 4 years ) any comment / feedback it's really appreciated. Especially if you find any mistake!

I divided the original speech line by line, member by member ; I couldn't do this for my translation.
Why ? Because I changed the order of the sentences different times - I wanted the message to be as much "fluent" as possible in English.

  • Leeteuk = LT
  • Sungmin = SM
  • Shin Dong = SD
  • Kangin = KI
  • Ryeowook = RW
  • Heechul = HE
  • Kyuhyun = KH
  • Eunhyuk = EH
  • Donghae = DH
  • Shiwon = SW
  • Yesung = YS
  • Hankyung = HK

(LT)  今、ここで一緒にいてくれてる愛する 
(SM/SD/KI/RW)   姉さん、妹、兄さん、友達のみんな
(EH)  僕たちは皆さんがそんなにも
(HE)  愛して止まない、
(HK) スーパージュニアーです。
(DH) もう、僕たちが一緒にいて、4年という時間が過ぎましたね・・・
(SM) まず、メンバーの数が増えましたね、
(HK) 年もとってきたし、
(YS) 外見もちょっとだけ変わったし・・・
(SD) 大人になったでしょ?
(EH) そして、でも変わらないものは?
(SW) なんだろうか・・・
(HE) 熱情?
(KH) 友情?
(DH) 何よりも、皆さんを思う僕たちの心です。
(KH) 今、この場所には、僕たちが練習生だったときから応援してきてくれた方々もいらっしゃいますし、
(KI) デビュー舞台をみてファンになってくれた方もいらっしゃるし、
(HE) 今日、初めて僕たちを見に来てくれた方々もいらっしゃると思います。
(RW) でもいつどこでスーパージュニアーと初めて出会ったとしても、
(LT) そんなことよりは、まさに今!
(HK) スーパージュニアーを愛してくれて、
(YS) 大事に思ってくれている皆さんの心が何より大事だと思います。
(SM) もちろん、僕たちもここに来ていただいた皆さんに言葉にはできないほど、感謝の気持ちを持っています。
(SD) 一人一人、手を握って、目を合わせて、ありがとうございますと,挨拶したいです。
(DH) スーパージュニアーを愛してくれているここにいらっしゃる皆様を僕たちはELFと呼びます。
(SM/RW/EH) Elf!Elf!Elfの皆さん!
(KI) 名前も、年も、顔も、住んでいる場所も全部違うけど、
(RW) スーパージュニアーを愛してくれている、その心の大きさだけは同じということ
(YS) 知っています。
(LT) 僕たちももちろん、4年前も今も、
(SW) 皆さんを思うその心は変わらないです。
(KH) 皆さんと僕たちお互いを分かり合える特別な暗号がありますよね?
(DH) そう、僕たちの風船の色・・・
(LT) パール
(HK) サファイア
(SD) ブル
(YS) ステージに上がって、目の前にいっぱいのプールサファイアブル色の風船を見ていると
(KI) 何より大事な一生の僕たちの見方ができたよなという感動に囲まれます。
(SM) 僕たちにそんな感動をプレゼントしてくれたELFの皆さん、
(SW) 本当に感謝いたします。
(HK) そして、愛しています!
(LT) 2005年11月6日のデビューステージは世界で一番怖くて、震える場所だったのに、
(HE) 2009年7月、皆さんが見ている今このステージは
(SD) 何よりも楽しく、喜びの期待感がある、
(KH) スーパージュニアーをスーパージュニアーらしくしてくれる
(EH) 世界で一番愛する場所となりました。
(SM) 今日、皆さんに最高に幸せな時間をプレゼントします!
(KH) いつも僕たちを応援してくださる皆さん
(RW) 愛しています
(SD) 皆さんは誰?誰?
(EH) Elf
(RW) Elf姉さん
(SD) Elf様
(KI) 僕たちは
(SW) Elfのための
(ALL) です!


"Now, here, exchanging love with us :
neesan (older women), imouto (younger women), niisan (older men), all these friends*...
We are Super Junior, those who can't stop loving you all.
It's been already 4 years since we've been together...
In these 4 years, are Super Junior changed ?
First of all, the members' number increased, and as years passed by, even the appearance changed a little...
We've become adults, right?
And, what are the things that didn't change?
What was that...
More than anything, our hearts, thinking about all of you.
Now, in this place, there are people that supported us since our trainees' days,there are people that became our fans watching our debut stage, but we think that here today there are also people that came to see us for the first time.
But whenever and wherever you met Super Junior for the first time, more than that, right now !
The hearts of all of you, loving Super Junior, caring about us, are more important than anything else.
Of course, we are carrying a gratitude that words can't express, for all those of you that came to see us.
Every single person, holding hands, meeting eyes, we want to thank you and greet you.
The people loving Super Junior that are here now, we call them ELF.
Elf! Elf! All of you Elf!
Names, ages, faces, the places were you live may all be different, but, loving Super Junior, and having such a big heart, we know that's the same ( for everyone ).
Of course, 4 years before and now too, these hearts, thinking about all of you, didn't change.
We have a special code to understand each other, right?
Exactly, our balloons' color is
On stage, seeing all pearl sapphire blue balloons in front of our eyes, there isn't a more precious view in our life, and we're enclosed in such emotion.
We are really grateful to all of you Elf, for giving us such a deep emotion.
And, we love you!
Even though our debut stage back in 6/11/2005 was the most scaring and trembling place in the world, now, 7/2009, this stage that all of you came to see, more cheerful than anything else, and full of hopes of happiness, became the place most similar to Super Junior and the place Super Junior love the most in the world.
Today, we're going to give to all of you, as a present, the happiest time ever!
To all of you that always cheered on us
We love you
Who are you all? Who ?
Elf neesan*
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Elf
We, for Elf** are "Super Junior" ! "


* neesan, niisan, imouto : I didn't translate these words in English because there's not a perfect translation imho. By saying "older sisters/women", for example, they're referring to all the older girls in the audience : same as saying "Nuna" in Korean.
** Literally, this is "We are Super Junior for Elf's sake " .

translation, super junior

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