Feb 10, 2007 18:18
I know it has been awhile. Probably a few months. Doesn't feel that long though. In this case, no news is good news. I've been busy spending time with my BOYFRIEND Bill!!! It will be four months on Feb 16th...
A few weeks ago we went to Cabo...it was AMAZING! It was very relaxing, and I had the best time ever!
I got an A last fall in my Statistics class, so now I am a part time student at CSUN. (Cal State Univeristy Northridge) There is drama regarding them accepting my UDUB and UCLA credits at full value b/c those schools were on quarters...so in the mean time I am taking some upper division electives I needed no matter what. I am taking a nutrition class and a anthropology women's sex rule in cultures or something. Love the nutrition class....the other one has an awesome teacher but I don't really dig the subject that much.
Well, I have to go!