Apr 10, 2011 16:36
So, i have actually started University now, still single (lol) and am desperately trying to sort my shit out now that I'm back in Australia.
My hiatus in Japan, seemed to effect no one in a big way really, i cam back, and it really felt as if i hadn't even left in the first place. The smiles and laughter are the same, friends drift away new ones are made, and now it seems instead of our meet ups consisting of talk of school its now more focused on alcohol and the attractiveness of skipping work in favour of complete homelessness.
As you do.
Im not sure how to take all the new freedom, since in seems that although you are kind of expecting no one to tell you anything in Uni, you don't expect them to tell you NOTHING. And how this assumption began I really don't understand as you are told repeatedly that no one really cares whether you pass or fail expect for you. My cousin already failed her first year. HARD. (Well if your going to fail, at least win at that). And unsurprisingly Im already planning on leaving the country AGAIN, twice in the next four years. Maybe at the end this year to Thailand for a couple of months, to work with abused, trafficked, and underprivileged children, helping them to learn english and readjust back to life. Im really looking forward to this by the way, I study Psychology at the moment and although I hope to change into a double degree of Psych and Commerce (Finance) I really do think that helping people is what I want to do, at least part of the time.
After I help my self.
And then, the year I turn 21, I want to go to America for a year to do my third year of University in San Francisco with my cousin! I am SO EXCITED about this as well, I really want to know if guidos actually exists or do people just make this shit up. Really, its going to be an experience and a half and as long as I don't fail my course that year I am set to go onto my honours! Its so strange to think that all this happens in a matter of months, years, hours spent at a desk, the start of the end of your life. Or at least that chapter, i don't believe you stop living until you don't have anything to live for. Even if that may just be getting your nails done that day at 4pm. Whatever.
A friend recently gave me a humorous version of how I came to be, stating that if globalisation and consumerism/commercialism anthropomorphised, and had sex that resulted in a baby. I would be that baby.
I like that.
I think we all are really, its just the realisation of this that sets us apart from those who complain about the rest of us. Work with what you have.
Its what you have. If you had something different you'd probably complain then anyway.
Its a bit like mine craft, just make some new shit up.