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Jan 10, 2005 18:59

well hello there, i guess i will tell u a bit about my terrible day...ok u know when u are wearing an outfit that u don't really like, but there is nothing else to wear? well that is what happened to me today...but i decided i wouldn't let this bother me

so i go off to math class....which was rather boring as usual and we got back a quiz (which i got 30% on)...then a journal i got 50% on....this is always a great way to start the day! so then i hit the comp tech class and when i arrive as usual i am not able to use my computer because someone from the stupid yearbook class is downloading something on my computer (which happens everyday!) then i get the joy of going to comp music, where i find out we are going to be presenting these song things that we created....and guess who was chosen to be lucky number 1? yours truely...it didn't go that bad...but still

this is where things slowly start to get better

lunch comes and i hung aroung with mel and michelle and i got to play Al which was truely exciting then to the last class of the day, english.....i had to do a group project with Raly, while having miss weber give me the evil eye the whole time...which always makes for a great time

then to after school where i go to my locker, realize i have to sign out a flute for my exam tomorrow....so i run, get the flute, and realize i forgot half my books back in my locker, while still trying to catch the bus now this is basically my day.....i hate for my fist entry to be such a downer i will try to make it more exciting next time haha

i will right again soon
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