Apr 27, 2007 19:58
^_^ Hello ya'll
JP is back in dah groove. Moved back to Dartmouth last sunday, have been living with miranda over at her mothers, who is in toronto for the week. Moving in my place on sunday, subletting a room in a house by the robie street and spring garden crossing. Wicked spot, nice house, affordable, international students, cool altogether.
I started working, well training, at the citadel monday morning. IT IS AWESOME.
Training consists of history and archeology classes for 8 hours a day. By university professors and charged of courses who work on site. Followed by formal tourism interpretation lessons. In a sense stuff I would pay for but I am being paid for receiving it. Anyhow, I love it, I am most definalty considering a carrear in the tourism industry at this point.
Latest news for whoever was wondering what happened to me. I was managing the central/main randy river of the eastern district for the past three months and ended up applying for a visitor service operative for parks canada. The rest came along, got the position, worked until saturday night, ended up taking a plane sunday morning, got in town bright early and got picked up by miranda and scott, my sister in law's boyfriend. The rest has been explained, good times, working 8:30-5 everyday, etc.
Miranda: Now I'm hijacking JP, so he can finish this later. Sorry if you were completely enthralled and wondering how his story would finish!