being a miraculous list of actualfax progress (what is this?)

Jul 21, 2011 17:40

Obviously I'm rubbish and never post anymore, but had to declare to the world...

Just finished drafting the intro of my thesis :D  I mean, it's horrible and the final product will probably look nothing like it, but it's only just over 1000 words, which is miraculous, exists!  I have something to make better XD  I am very excited by this :P

In other news while I'm here, my kinkmeme fills for XMFC are slowly going up on my AO3, along with new material.  I have 25 000 words up there now for this fandom, with at least another 25K to go in the same 'verse (and probably more XD), and it's really nice to be writing fic again.

I've also finished the pen and paper edit on my beautiful baby novel, and am slowly beginning the process of typing.  That'll take a while and I won't be able to focus on it 'til November when thesis is in, but it's nice to be making progress, and to know I still love it and think it's worth something having finished a really comprehensive edit :))

Other than that...I'm still a crazy single woman swanning through the world reading and writing and making pretty things with little purpose, so nothing's really changed ;)  Hope everyone's doing well!

(Colin, I have totally not forgotten your alirgflakjberkljrb story notes, I am just a rubbish human being and cannot manage time :P (and currently have wonderful readers who yell at me when I don't update my fic fast enough XD)  Your marauders make me desperately everything and I am honest to god going to sit down and flail coherently about them some time soon <3333  Not least because as usual with everything you write, they've moved into my brain :P)

fic, novels, thesis

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