Nov 24, 2008 17:16
Nothing like saying everything in your title :P
Four things happened today. I spent most of the day working on the screening, as I do every day right now. We've sold well over 400 tickets as of this second , which I'm honestly really proud of given that we've been allowed no advertising and have been mucked around more than anyone should reasonably be capable of withstanding :P That I've managed to reach 430 people and take their money and give them this opportunity they're so happy about despite that is something I think I can be happy with, even though I'm so sick of the damn thing I could move to Nepal ;D The last week of this organising is going to be hell, as any pre-event week is, but it'll be over soon, and when it is I'm taking a several month break from management :P Never mind taking opportunities and running this thing the way it should be done and maximising benefit by holding follow-up events...don't care. If they're all still here next year, I'll start running things for them again then :P
The other three things that happened were much more exciting :P
I got my ears pierced! I didn't scream or cry or anything either, which is only impressive if you realise I've been terrified of the idea for 10 years :P Well, it's done now, and it hurts a bit and I'm slightly worried I'm going to mess it up and rot my ears off or something, but all going to plan I'll be able to wear proper Soubi earrings in April :D :D :D
Bought more supplies for my project of the week, which is a secret until it's finished. But it'll be finished on Saturday, and I'll post photos next week once the person it's for's seen it XD Though said person can probably guess what it, can't you? :P Well, pretend you haven't :P
And finally, most epic of all...package arrived from Tamarket! XD Sitting proudly on my bench are 2 D.Gray-Man Innocence Boxes, white for Allen, black for Kanda. They're cute little merch boxes with mini-figures of Allen and Kanda respectively, mini-figures of their golems (yay Tim! XD XD XD), and a whole bunch of really really cute bromides with stands (yay for pretty Lavi pics :D). Bought them for the figures, since I'm perfectly capable of printing out pics myself, lol. But yeah, the figures are very, very cute, and will satisfy me until there are larger figures I actually like :P DGM is love XD Also got some other DGM stuff that was on sale for minute amounts of money, which I may or may not ever use :P
Oh, and spoke to my sister, who is alive and very proud of me getting my ears pierced :P None of the grammar girls have died or been arrested yet, so that's always a plus ;D
All in all, a rather decent day.
And I just realised I don't have a DGM icon on atm. How tragic :-( XD Wish I had a paid account, lol. Choosing one of my current ones to replace is so *hard*! :P Ah well, shall just have to live with a lack of DGM icons for now. Though I do have a lot of pretty Lavi icons...maybe I should vote off my DN one, given that my writing of DN fic has been lapsed for about 6 months XD