Oct 25, 2004 18:48
I hate how i restrain myself from putting what i actually what to say in this thing because of what others might think or say its like going to court and having the option to speak up and let an inncocent man go free but instead just remaining speechless and allowing him to be locked up and i think thats how its going to remain until at least i'm older and things are different people think they understand me and that i'm predictable well thats what i think maybe i'm just too complicated for myself i'm complicated to others but they don't take the time to understand or even listen so they just react to what they see which is how i am there have been the few who actually know me for who i am and even with those people i don't have a full %100 trust with them maybe the reason for that is society is based on lies lying is an everyday thing and its also a disasterous thing but its like like i could ask everyone to not lie that would just be overlooked and laughed at but anyways i don't really have anything left to say i'm all written out