please focus on FumaKen XD
what do you think of fuma's pink hair style? ^^ yeah, its cute right?! >w<)
hahaha but I don't want to talk about that.. well of course I'll talk about it but the focus is not just fuma's hair
let me tell you first that my ichiban in SZone is Shori <3
I shipped FumaKen (Fuma&Kento) and SouMari (Sou-chan&Mari-chan)
I couldn't help to scream when I saw this pict XD
please focus on Fuma and Kento ><
at the first time, I just thought that they're remind me of something.. or someone ^^"
because I couldn't remember anything of it, so I didn't really mind it at that time :"D
but.. after a couple of weeks.. I read a manga and... fuala!!!! I found it!!
I was so suprise that fumaken (with fuma in pink hair and kento is black hair) was resemble the main character in there hahahaha XD
what manga? HAHAHA I won't tell!! never~ XP