[ENGLISH] Ishinomaki ~ Funakoshi

Oct 17, 2012 19:19

Time for an update.

Todays topic:
INJM's work in Funakoshi.

Funakoshi is a small town that has been almost completely wiped out by the tsunami.
What has not been wiped out is unsafe due to the danger of landslides.
I got new input about it and cleared which story belongs to which town now.
It's a bit confusing sometimes.

On the way to Funakoshi

You pass many completely destroyed towns.
One of them is Onagawa.
Some flipped over houses are still there.
The ground dropped under sealevel due to the earthquake
so at high tide the water keeps coming in.

The building at the mountain in the background is the hospital
The tsunami reached the first flood here and destroyed it.

About Funakoshi

The people of Funakoshi HAVE survived.
(there was confusion here with Onagawa and Odagawa)
Not all but many.
They are living in temporary housing in Ishinomaki
and taking the ride of one hour every day to go fishing and run workshops.

Photo from the school building.
The tsunami reached up to the second floor.
The house you can see was fully drowned and is completely devastated

You can have a strong wind here but volunteers know how to enjoy any situation.

The shrine was one of the few safe places.




After the tsunami many people with autority left.
So one of the fisherman became the leader.
He is keeping people together.

The government has decided to rebuild the town on higher ground within two years.
I hope to really see this happening one day.

INJM I helping out with free labor two days a week.
We help them to polish the stones for necklaces which they sell for ¥1.000 each.
This black slate is very famous in Japan.
It's slate that the roof tiles were made of.
The people collected and cleaned them.

The women are creating necklaces, bracelets, earrings and phone straps from the stone.
Sometimes also other things.
I am one of the few at the moment who can help out with painting.
(tomorrow I'll try polishing stones for a change though)

This is what the finished necklaces can look like.
(and yes these are the pendants I bought for fade and send to them)




This is one of my pendants that I made for myself with my own sign.
I had always wanted to do a pendant with my sign.
The ladies made a phone strap out of it.
The ladies did the typical writing on the back.



I created a gallery o you with the pendants I created so far within this months.
I manage 6 to 11 a day.
I really try hard even if not always successful.
Just once I did just two because we had to return home due to typhoon warning.

The ladies are modifying them, adding writings and prcessing them further.


I'll upload once in a while and inform you. ^_^

Now to the really funny fact:
There is a sweet dog.
He's cute and barking at everybody *lol*
He sometimes comes over and leans against my leg to let me pat him.
The ladies say he doesn't tend to sit with strangers often.
On the pic I patted him and then ask my friend to pat him on for me.

What's funny about this?
Rui is the name of fade's drummer and leader :'D
I can't help but think of him every time I see his!

Funakoshi's people are amazingly kind.
It's great to work with them.
Today one of the ladies suddenly draw my face on a stone
she created a phone strap of it as gift for me.
I was moved so much, I couldn't say much. :')

It's currently drying, so I'll pick it up tomorrow and show you a picture of it then.


english, ++ fade, + volunteer work, + funny facts, + funakoshi

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