Feb 21, 2003 09:08
I’m sitting here at my computer with my foster dog Indy snuggling on my lap. A kid is walking to school, Indy sees him out the window and she began to bark. I told her no, and distract her attention away from the kid and she stopped barking. I look out the window and see a tall man in a green over coat with a long ponytail walking a beautiful young Shepard / Husky. They are standing on the corner waiting to cross the street; the dog begins to bark at the kid walking to school. The man whacks the dog across the mussel with his left hand that is also holding the slack of the leash. As he crosses the street, the dog quite excitedly runs ahead a bit. Instead of correcting this dog constructively, the man yanks on the leash, which is connected to the dogs collar, and the poor dog comes flying backwards. Sometimes I truly hate people. How would he like it if some one treated him like that? You don’t get a dog because it looks cool, you get one that suits you, be it a Toy Poodle or a Saint Bernard. It’s a shame that animals get blamed for people’s mistakes.
EXAMPLE: I say the name Pit Bull you may think ‘killer dog’.
The American Staffordshire Terrier is a happy, outgoing, stable, confident, affectionate, reliable, and an especially good dog for children, who makes a wonderful family pet.
That was taken from the American Kennel Club’s website. Did you know: The American Staffordshire Terrier was once considered an "all-American" dog. In fact, in World War I an AmStaf named Stubby earned the rank of sergeant and was the most decorated dog of the war. No you probably would rather listen to the news about some crack head down in Detroit who was attacked by his dog, but I bet they left out the part where the dog was severely beaten and used for dog fighting.
If you mistreat an animal you deserve everything you receive in hell.