(no subject)

Oct 28, 2004 21:24

Hey. Well not a whole lot to say. Katie and I had our one month aniversary the other day and we spent the entire day together. Then today on the set, well that was interesting. Zac talked about how we pranked everyone on set. Dude, they were pissed. Then I got home, went over lines. Did my homework that my tutor gave me and then I don't know. I just went into a deep thought. I've been such an ass lately to Hilary. I feel so unbelievably bad right now. With all that was said.. she didn't deserve it. Because for one, she's going through a lot lately and doesn't need this added onto her. So they don't need me on the set tomorrow so I'm gonna stop by to see Hilary. I need to get her something though first... because yeah, I really need to make it up to her. I shouldn't have said the things I did or done the things I did. I just miss her as a friend and want her back. I wouldn't be surprised if I showed up there.. knocked on her door and she slammed it in my face. But hey its a chance I need to make. She can slam it in my face but I'll sit there and wait till she comes out to talk to me if I have to. I'd wait forever to talk to her.

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