Feb 03, 2006 00:28
lol this is what i have to do now since my printers are being gay and if i need to get something from my computer at home to one of the ones at my school so i guess you can read my paper and tell me what you think about it it isnt completely dont yet becuz i have yet to put in the comments from the kids
Genesee VS. Atherton
By: Joel Little
The rivalry has past between Genesee and Atherton basketball.
Here’s what some players and teachers have to say:
Senior Jeff Garret said “It was awesome playing and my favorite part was whenever everyone was chanting “WE WANT GARRET, WE WANT GARRET””
Junior Mike Alexander commented “There was great fan support especially Skyler McHan and Joel Little cheering loud and proud and really getting into the game”
This year Genesee and Atherton split on the basketball games.
With the help of Skyler McHan who single handedly started a “cheer group” with some quite goofy tactic to cheer our team on. One was to look at the wall behind where the group was sitting when a player from Atherton was shooting a free throw. Another was when we were shooting they would hold up there hands made a bird with them and let it fly as they called it. The faculty played Atherton’s faculty in a basketball game the school spirit was awesome. We have a trophy that has Genesee Road on it and says we run Genesee Road. The trophy will be passed on each year that the faculties play each other.