another huge success by the Reagan Administration...
I am not too happy with how flipantly Obama recently dismissed the discussion of drug law reform, but I can only imagine how bad things have/will become if we don't figure out a more pragmatic strategy to resolve headlines and stories like this one...
Heroin cheaper than six-pack-of-beer Sometimes I wonder how I made it to 20years old, and then 30....but I can only imagine what being a 15year-old in 2009 must be like!!!
There are going to be a lot of heartbroken parents and lives ruined if we don't take a step back re-evaluate how we are managing this health care issue.
Prohibition as drug policy is as naive as promoting
- abstinence as the cornerstone of child pregnancy / STD prevention policy (a pregnant VP candidates' teenage daughter can tell you that)
- criminalizing the oldest capitalist profession on the books - prostitution
- trying to stop gun violence with more guns
When will we learn?