Yoko talks about akakame

Dec 06, 2007 18:50

Got this excerpt from ak bar.


JIN: 刚刚练了联系拳击了对吧
KAME: 恩 是的..
横山: 哇, 好厉害, 这样的对话, 现在是 '赤龟哦' 如果我是J家饭的话肯定激动的受不了

OMG YOKO I LOVE YOU. Yoko & Hina have officially acknowledge 'Akakame'. LMAO and the way they talk about them is so funny. ♥

Basically this is an excerpt from Yoko and Hina's radio show. So Yoko was talking about how he and Jin were in a room (for filming Yukan Club) and they're playing card game. Then suddenly Kame came into their room. You can see the closeness of Akakame's friendship b/c Kame came in without knocking.

When Yoko sees Kame, Yoko said 'ah~ akakame' in his head of course. Yoko asked Kame if he wants to play and he said he doesnt. Yoko then further explains that usually he feels very natural around Jin, but when Kame comes, it's 'akakame' and he feels anxious(nervous?). Then Kame took out his gloves and Jin asked him if he just finished practicing his boxing (for 1lb Gospel).

And then the funniest part is that Yoko said if he's a part of the J family club (JE) and happens to see such 'akakame' scene, he wont be able to bear his excitement. And Hina said that it's like a very powerful feeling between them. Yoko then said that Jin asked about Kame's dorama and how it's going with the cast~~~ Kame said 'it's all male over there, so the feeling is quite good'.

So all in all, Kame went to look for Jin in his leisure time and well... Yoko is our news bringer♥. And it's so weird how Yoko kept mentioning 'it's akakame'. LMAO. Yoko, erm... I know you ship akame since it's not the first time you mention about them, but you dont have to be that obvious. XD

This really proves that Akame's friendship is still real ne? So the next time I hear someone say that they hate each others, I'm gonna give them a good piece of me.

Useless entry again? XD Sorry to the non-akame/kat-tun/k8 fans on my flist. XD

edit. And NO, I'm not an avid Akame-shipper. At least I dont think so. >.> So yeah I wont actually kill you if you tell me they hate each others. But yes, I ship them because I love them both. That's only logical right? End of story.

translation, 赤亀, k8

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