Tue, 21:42: RT @ MarveIFacts: Willem Dafoe once snuck onto the set of 'Spider-Man 2' and filmed a scene playing Doc-Ock This set visit inspired the wri…
Wed, 03:51: Here's a toast...to those who challenge use to mind games, but forget to bring their equipment! - Lou Crane
Wed, 03:58: Home is where your friends are. - Dagobert D. Runes
Wed, 04:20: Jealousy - The seamy side of love. -The Devil's Dictionary
Wed, 04:50: "The best definition of crank is: "The man holds opinions which we do not understand." Here is a man flippantly denouncing Miss Kennedy as a crank because she held a theory which he does not understand, and probably incapable of understanding." -Ambrose Bierce