(no subject)

Jan 23, 2010 02:23

 oh man I must be crazy am i right or am i right.

also morgan is my favorite person in the world, she rocked around the clock and then made me stop at mcdonalds on the way home. if you know where i live, you know that mcdonalds is right across the street. SO she got a mac snack wrap and a 10 pc chicken nugget, and then couldn't wait until we got home to eat the mac wrap, so of course she got one bite in and we were home, so she was eating it while we were walking into the building and up the four flights of stairs to our apartment. it was my favorite thing.

i've been having trouble falling asleep lately, so i was sitting in bed listening to music at around 4 last night and I guess I fell asleep. I woke up at 6 with my glasses on my face and my light on and was more confused than I have ever been. I had no idea where I was or what was going on.

i bit my lip today and it's really bugging me. how do i get all of these bruises on my legs?
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