Somewhat productive day

Jun 25, 2011 19:17

It being basil season I got (and the madbaker picked up) a dozen bunches of basil from the farm we subscribe to. So I made lots of pesto today to replenish the annual supply. I ended up filling three ice cube trays to freeze, plus having a bit more to put in the fridge.

There were sardines at the Farmer's Market today, so I've started curing a batch of them. They will be ready to take to the cooks playdate.

I started a second batch of 16th c style candied cherries. Some of the first batch will be heading north to the playdate. Also, this means more cherry syrup for my cute husband to make cocktails with.

I started a batch of pickled cauliflower and a jar of pickled cardoons.

I've put together most of my list of recipes to play with at the cooks playdate and updated the list of who is expected to be there.

I should start a new batch of vin de noix with the green walnuts I got from my favorite nut vendor.

I may also make some more slightly post period chocolate drink mix to take to the war too.

Himself has been helping Mr. Dave make assemble new tent poles for Mr. D and Ms. W's pavilion.

Not a particularly lazy Saturday :-)
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