Boku no Sakura~~~

Mar 31, 2010 21:18

Yay! My Sakura Girl singles arrived today! Couldn't open it till night time as I was working. (>__<) Thank goodness my mum is now a housewife so she's there to accept my packages. I bought only the LE and I love everything about it! One of the nicest NEWS CD packaging ever in my opinion. Picture time! Under cut to avoid spoiling for people if you want to wait for your own copy to arrive. (^^)

Cover of the LE! It's very different from the usual NEWS covers and thank heavens the designers who designed those ugly JE CD covers have been fired or forced to go for some design classes.

Back of the CD. At least there's a picture of NEWS on the outside. :)

My favourite part of the packaging! The words and tree drawing is embossed on the CD! It's actually white BTW but with the flash from my camera, it appears to be pink.

Booklet at the top panel when you open the CD.

When you remove the CD, the entire case will show a complete picture of the drawing.

First picture that greets you when you open up the booklet! Yamapi looks great despite the hat.! XD

BTW it's actually not really a booklet. The pictures of NEWS are on 1 long 3 panel stiff paper folded up and inserted in between the covers.

Massu! <3 His shoulders looks extra broad in this picture.

m(_ _)m I sincerely apologize for the bad picture of Ryo. The wind from the fan kept fluttering the paper. But trust me, ALL of NEWS looks fantastic in the booklet!

Ok, 320kbps rip of the LE is here! I saw someone saying the 320kbps rip shared previously isn't true 320kbps but I ripped this from my own CD using iTunes so it's real. :) Please do not repost the links or claim it as your own upload.

Sakura Girl LE rip: MF | MU (Password: April=Sakura)

P.S.: Anyone interested in buying the extra 2 LEs I bought for SGD$25 each? If so, comment with your email. :)

single, news, shopping

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