Sep 05, 2009 00:04

It's here!!!! My Arashi goods!!! Minus the poster of course which was mailed separately. I LOVE the pamphlet! Aiba's uchiwa is so pretty too! But I'll need more time to get used to the T-shirt and strap. My 24 Hour TV shirt came with the goods too. :D Very cute! Can't wait to wear it. It'll probably get the most mileage among all the NEWS and Arashi goods I own. Sho's mini uchiwa is really cute too. I really regret not buying Aiba's. Totally could use it during summer. Pictures come later! I need to grab some stuff for dinner today. We're having Korean today. Bulgogi with rice and side dishes. :D

As promised, pictures of my package. Mostly my favourite pages from the pamphlet.

The 24 Hour TV shirt. It's really cute in real life. ^^ I think Yamapi wore the grey one though.

Front and back of the pamphlet. The back is reversed like the T-shirt so it seems like the 5x10 logo is 3D.

I like this picture of Arashi for some reason. I wonder why they blurred the pinball machine though.

Sakuraiba! Aiba looks great here! I want the shop picture of this scene too.

*pouts* Why does Aiba seem to get a small corner only. But I like the concept of the photoshoot set. It feels a bit like a home.


I've wrongly accused Arashi! It's not a square but a pentagon so Aiba gets a fair share of space too. I didn't realize that until I saw scans of it here because I didn't dare to open the book very wide because of the binding.

Mr. Ballerino wannabe! I love it when guys reveal a bit of their midriff. I think it's really sexy especially if you can see the top of their boxers. :P

My favourite picture of Aiba in the pamphlet. I love his jacket!

Even though I'm not a fan of MatsuJun, I still have to admit I love his corner. It being purple is enough reason. I like the purple wine bottle collection at the back.

If only I was a MatsuJun fan...I like everything about this picture! The flower, the purple bottle and his shirt! The shades of colours used in his corner is just fantastic.

Ohno is beyond adorable. How can he be the same age as my brother. *__*

This picture is for Mag. I love the DJ console! Plus red is my favourite colour. Sho looks great too of course. :)

Proof that JE has come a long way in improving concert costumes. I wish I can see Aiba play the saxophone again but I guess that's not going to happen. Is there any DVD that shows Aiba playing the saxophone?

Aiba's handwritten message. I can't figure out the squiggle after the kanji after 一緒に...

Ohno's handwriting is the messiest in Arashi. :P

The cute label of the T-shirt. If only they had used this as the main logo or even the bus.

My uchiwa was a teeny bit dented. :( Oh well, I won't even remember it after a while.

I love the reverse side of the uchiwa. The repetition of the red and blue 5x10 logo still reminds me of the reverse sides of receipts.

Aiba's photoset. I really love his hair! So now both my ichibans have curly mops of hair. :D

Adorable as ever.

Usagi-chan is also very cute. :P

My sumptious Korean dinner cooked by me!

The main highlight of dinner is this bulgogi AKA barbecued beef. It tastes amazing. The authentic way to eat it was to wrap a slice or two with rice in lettuce and stuff the whole thing in the mouth but it got a bit messy.

Looks a bit grotesque but it tastes quite nice. It's seasoned eggplant which is a side dish. I've come to really love eating eggplants.

news, concert, arashi, cooking

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