NEWS, color album

Nov 16, 2008 15:27

As per usual, album leak! I didn't bother resisting downloading cuz I'll only be back home on 22nd Nov to physically touch the CD. Also, there's going to be a few new albums I'm interested in listening to during that week like flumpool's Unreal which I bought. :D So I might as well give full concentration to NEWS's new album now first. :P Here's my small review of each song. Those with ♥ are my favs. And because I'm bored, in honor of the album's name, I've coloured the titles! XD

1. weeeek
I'm sick of this song really. It was really catchy and fun when it first came out but after some time, the constant repeating of the chorus made me sick of the song. Love the PV still but the song not so much.

I like this song. The chorus is catchy and the slight rock influence is good with me.

I actually like this song! The chorus is memorable and catchy and easy to sing along to. I can sing the entire first chorus. :D And the rap is nice too.

I love SNOW EXPRESS! But the live version more than the CD version. I listened to both versions in bed last night a couple of times and I think I found what's lacking in the CD version that makes it not as nice. First of all, the live version has that gorgeous piano part right at the start when Koyama was introducing the song. CD version should have that too cuz that part gives it a more ethereal feel. Secondly, the CD version lacks those effects which makes the song sounds very echoey. For this song, I feel that the focus should have been on the music and not the vocals to give it that whole "lost in the snow" feeling. So the rap isn't that nice too. The voices are far too clear for me. Whatever it is, a recorded version of SNOW EXPRESS is good enough!

5. Forever ♥
I love R&B so I LOVE this song!!! The chorus is super catchy! But the verses are normal only. Good thing the chorus is strong. :D

6. MOLA ♥
Firstly, I admit I laughed at Yamapi's engrish! Maybe it's just me but I still can understand maybe half the song only. The distortation of Yamapi's voice at some parts doesn't help of course. The female vocal has better english than him. XDDD Some engrish which were quite obvious to me are:

- closer sounds like croser (typical r/l problem)
- sexy lady sounds like sassy lady (Japanese has no x)
- I've been watching you is missing the 've part
- WTH is 'Let me make you now'! Do you now is more likely. :P

Despite all this, I still love this song cuz it's catchy. By now, your can tell my as long as the song is catchy to me, I'll like it. XD

7. Kesenai
Generic song for me so it's just an ok song. Like my first impression, it sounds like a song Tegomass will sing. Song is way too long and boring...

8. ordinary ♥
Quite an ordinary song really but for some odd reason, I love the chorus! I like fun pop-rock songs like this one. Some how, this song makes me think of flumpool. Especially their song, labo. I think Ryo has quite the talent in writing pop-rock songs which suits his voice. Definitely looking forward to more of his creations. :)

9. Give & Take ♥♥♥
I LOVE THIS SONG! IT'S MY FAV FROM THIS ALBUM!!! I recently came to terms that I especially like songs which are very dancey/head-bopping like Akaku Moyuru Taiyou and BEACH ANGEL. The chorus is super catchy and my toes twitch in rhythm without me realizing it! LOL

10. Murarisuto
Don't really like this song. I've never been a fan of KoyaShige's songs save for Chirarizumu but that got old quick too as it's cute only when you see the dance moves. This song, like Alibi and Chirarizumu, will most probably be skipped very often. It's nothing personal against KoyaShige though. I think they're a very cute pair but their songs just doesn't do it for me. Oh! Also, this song is very Kanjani8! Really!

11. Taiyou no Namida
The only song which doesn't seem to fit into the overall vibe of color. It belongs better in the pacific album which is more experimental and cool. I'm neutral on this song. The phrase 'Taiyou no namida' is super addictive to randomly say though! LOL Along with the hand action of course. XD

12. Smile Maker
Generic song. Next.

13. Happy Birthday ♥
I love how the chorus is so easy to sing along to. Memorised it pat down too! My favourite part is when Massu sings 'Kamisama no purezento~'. I should make that my message tone!

I love the chorus once again! And this time, their pronounciation of 'fly' is better than their NEWS Nippon days. XD

15. Towairo no Koi ♥
I've always loved this song ever since I saw the SC perf so I'm elated this song is now a recorded song!

Between pacific and color, I definitely like color more. The mix of songs flow together better as most of them are fun and light-hearted songs. pacific was quite mismatched as the old songs like TEPPEN, Sayaendou and Hadashi no Cinderella Boy are very fun pop songs while the new songs like Ai no Matador, Kimi Omou Yoru and Change the World were more mature and cool songs. As such, they didn't blend well together as an album. But I do like all those songs mentioned as individual songs.

I also think that the covers of pacific suits the color album more as it has a more fun vibe and color's covers suits pacific more as it's quite cool and pacific's songs are mostly cool. But I'm not complaining! I love color's covers more so it's one more reason why I love the album, color! :P

My conclusion is NEWS suits pop, pop-rock, R&B and dancey songs the best. The bottom line is the songs should be fun and light-hearted. That's what I like about them. :) This album is definitely a keeper!

Average rating of all the songs came up to around 7.5 out of 10 but I'm gonna give it an 8 cuz both the covers are so gorgeous!

Rating: 8 / 10

news, review, album

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