Previews of 'color'

Nov 06, 2008 15:01

So.....previews of tracks, excluding A-sides are out on Johnny's net here! Thanks to embryo_ed for the heads up. Which is now downloadable here. Here's my thoughts on them.

M2 (STARDUST) - Very very Arashi. XD

M4 (SNOW EXPRESS) - Nothing new but I can't wait to hear the Yamapi rap! It's my fav Yamapi rap of all time!

M5 (Forever) - Does this count as a R&B-ish song? My fav track so far!

M6 (MOLA) * - Clearer version means I can actually understand Yamapi's english...which isn't that bad. XD

M7 (Tego-centered) - Sounds like something Tegomass will sing. Alright song but kinda on the normal side.

M8 (ordinary) - Fun rock! No more emo-code rock which is good!

M9 (Massu-centered) - The fast, DDR-ish beats gave me a shock! But sounds like a great song to bounce my head to.

M10 (KoyaShige) - Doesn't seem as fun and catchy as Chirarizumu for now.

M12 (Smile Maker) - Nice song. Hopefully will catch on when the full song is out.

M14 (FLY AGAIN) - Nice melody. I like this song too.

M15 (Towairo no Koi) - I'VE ALWAYS LOVE THIS SONG! So official recording of it is FANTASTIC!

From the previews, it seems like I'll like every song on this album. Which is good! I have a feeling 'color' will have a higher number of plays than 'pacific'. :D Coloured songs are those I especially love! Cuz I was bored... XD

* I just saw this! Apparently Jin has a ring with the words 'Sexy Mola'! PiN! Maybe Jin was the one who suggested this title to Yamapi. XD (ring here)

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