
Sep 18, 2008 16:30

hey guys. someone at D-Addicts shared this piece of very old (2002) news about Yamapi being attacked by some weird guy but he escaped unharmed. so please, nobody panic and cause alarm in the fandom. i just wanted to ask if anyone knows anything bout it? help from veteran JE fans or Yamapi fanatics?

Article 1:
Splash attack on TV star leaves man in coma

A man splashed fluid on a top TV star in Tokyo Tuesday night, and then fell into a coma after drinking liquid from another bottle, police said.

Tomohisa Yamashita, a 17-year-old member of a popular entertainment group, "Johnny's Jr.," escaped injury during the incident near the Japan Broadcasting System (NHK) headquarters in Tokyo shortly before 11 p.m., Tuesday.

The man, who looked to be some 20 years old, approached Yamashita and poured liquid on his left shoulder while the star was chatting and shaking hands with fans after filming an entertainment program at NHK in Shibuya-ku.

The attacker, surrounded by surprised fans, drank liquid from a bottle and collapsed on the road before being taken to hospital. He remains unconscious and has yet to be identified, police said.

Police officers believe the liquid he drank was a different type from the one he splashed on Yamashita. They found two empty plastic bottles at the scene. (Mainichi Shimbun, Sept. 18, 2002)

Article 2:
A man who attacked a member of boy pop band Johnny's Jr. with mysterious fluid in Tokyo on Sept. 17 has been arrested for assault, police said Tuesday.

The unnamed assailant, of Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, was unconscious for a few days after drinking liquid from a bottle following his attack on Tomohisa Yamashita, but has since made a full recovery.

However, the 22-year-old man's motives for splashing the unidentified fluid on the teen-age heartthrob remain unknown, as his answers to police questions are completely incoherent, investigators said.

"I wanted to exchange my soul with his," the unemployed man reportedly said.

On the night of Sept. 17, the Hokkaido man walked up to the 17-year-old pop star while he was chatting with dozens of his female admirers just outside the Japan Broadcasting System (NHK) headquarters in Shibuya-ku after filming a show there.

He then doused the startled Yamashita with liquid he carried in a plastic bottle. Within seconds, furious groupies surrounded the assailant, who drank liquid from another plastic bottle and collapsed on the spot.

The man was taken to hospital but was discharged on Saturday.

Yamashita was unhurt in the puzzling attack. (Mainichi Shimbun, Sept. 24, 2002)

all i can say is this reminds me of the anti-fan attack on U-Know of DBSK. except Yamapi was lucky to escape unharmed.


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