Happy Birthday PV

Sep 12, 2008 01:26

seriously, is JE on a tight budget or something? how can they be with all the money fangirls (including me) are spending on everything JE? cuz the Happy Birthday PV is soooo cheapo! they didn't had enough money for real props so they used cardboard props. didn't had enough money to use a few studios for different sets so used animation. it's cute but not as cute and funny as Weeeek and Summer Time.

the cutest moment probably was when Yamapi tried to take a bite out of the cardboard burger Massu was holding. and dunno what Koyama was doing. he put one hand behind him on the desk and was like thrusting his hips wildly upwards. sounds so dirty. XDDD did anyone else thought Shige's jacket was really really tight? when he lifts one of his arms above his head, the shoulder part like pops up too. poor guy.

not to say there's nothing about Happy Birthday i don't like, of course. i like the animated NEWS Monopoly set! it's so cute! i wish a real one exists cuz i'll definitely buy it no matter how expensive! hey, i bought the Kurosagi Othello set. that's how much i like board games. :P i should make one man.

oh! and i swear i'll pronounce Happy Birthday as Happy Basu-day the next time i wish someone happy birthday. that phrase is that addictive.

another thing i love is the first line Massu sings for the bridge. "Kamisama no..." all throughout today, i kept repeating that short line in my head for some unknown reason. maybe cuz i do really need Kamisama (God) on my side if i were to make my goal of going to NEWS' Tokyo Dome concert true.

today is the last episode of Code Blue already. BUT no worries, there's a special! rumoured to air on CNY (26th Jan). it'll be like a birthday present for me! dang, subs for episode 9 of Code Blue has just been released by Querbeet and episode 10 of Seigi no Mikata by Massuki too!

cannot, must tahan. i have an assignment due tomorrow. shall use it to reward myself tomorrow. (>____<) i can't wait for this hell of a semester to end.


i just finished watching the video for Litigation Law which is the assignment due tomorrow. it's so funny to watch it again! it was filmed in 2000 by a bunch of lecturers so it had bad acting, bad clothes and cheesy script. the plane crash scene is beyond hilarious! here's a screencap of the funniest outfit from the video. XD what's with the oversized bow tie? ROFL Happy Birthday present, anyone? XDDD

news, school, pv

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