As good as Reese's

Jul 19, 2008 00:39

i made Dark chocolate peanut butter cups today and OMG it's as good as Reese's peanut butter cups! i miss eating Reese's cuz it's an american chocolate which is not available in Singapore. the first time i ate it was when i worked at the US Navy base as a temp. they had a supermarket which stocked american products only and tax-free! i remember shopping like crazy there. i think i must have spent half of what i earned there! LOL it was a good thing i discovered a spree organizer for american candy which included Reese's at the end of last year.

well anyway as your know by now, i've done a lot more cooking and baking this year with the influence of m flat mate, Magdeline. so i was just googling recipes and bookmarking them when i came across this recipe for Dark chocolate peanut butter cups which aimed to recreate the taste of Reese's peanut butter cups or even top it. i had to try it for myself!

and boy, it's sooooo good!!! i love peanut butter and chocolate so both together is just heavenly! i can now save myself the painful wait of my candies being shipped from US by making these instead. though the real deal occassionally is good. :D

tada! the yummylicious end product!

Click for the recipe

here's some notes i wrote for myself after making it. perhaps your might find it useful too. :)

1) i left out the roasted peanuts hence used 2.5 cups of chunky peanut butter as written there but i recommend your to use roasted peanuts if your can cuz chunky peanut butter doesn't give it enough crunch.

2) i couldn't find dark chocolate with minimum 50% cacao at my supermarket so i used the highest percentage which was 46% which is still good. but mine wasn't pure dark chocolate but had sugar in it. hence i probably might cut down on the icing sugar a bit in future if it's not pure dark chocolate.

3) paper muffin cup sizes are about 5-6cm in diameter which would make about 24 if you don't overfill with the peanut mix like i did hence i managed 20 only. XD

4) i didn't want to specially buy unsalted butter so i used salted ones and left out the salt. (i was supposed to add salt cuz i didn't add roasted peanuts)

5) the person used a plastic zip-lock bag but i didn't had any so i just mixed the peanut mixture in a bowl. melt the butter in the microwave too for easier mixing.

i hope your will try this out cuz it's so sinfully good. i might just make them and give away during christmas. ^^
i watched episode 2 of Code Blue for the second time today. now we know Aizawa *drumroll* does have a heart! just that he doesn't think much of it and doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. i think Aizawa can give the robot in Zettai Kareshi a run for his money with that face. Yamapi's face muscles must hurt from not being able to move even 1cm while filming. i just had to rewind and watch the teeny weeny smile/smirk he gave at the end when he was on the rooftop with Yui's character. i think it was the only change in expression he had since the start of CB. XD

i was very startled when i read at news_jpop the rumour that Yamapi would be playing Shin in an adaptation of Goong. i loooove Goong! except the boring political parts which however were rather necessary for the development of the story. i belong to the Shin and Chay-Yeong camp even though Yul is better looking and quite a sweet and pitiful guy. i thought that how Shin slowly fell in love with CY was so cute and sweet. :P anyway reading this rumour made me felt like watching Goong again. but i didn't download the fansub version cuz at that time D-Addicts was foreign to me and i had waited for the DVD boxset which had english subs. but good thing i remembered the founder of IFS, the sub team i belong to is from Aust too so i asked her if we could do a drama exchange and she agreed! i can't wait for Goong to arrive in the mail now so i can watch it. :D

drama: misc, rumour, cooking, yamapi

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