First driving lesson in Australia

Mar 22, 2008 23:57

i had my first driving lesson this afternoon. it's been almost 1 year since i've drove so i was super nervous. boy, is it a miracle im still alive and typing away now. ^^; i don't even know how i managed to drive the car out of the parking lot at Coles. the instructor had to bring me to an empty and deserted parking lot which had many island kerbs to practice turning the car. yes, i was this rusty. :| after that we practiced lots and lots of turn-abouts. in Singapore, turn-abouts do not exist cuz it's small enough to just use traffic lights so i was totally clueless about them. after this driving lesson, i concluded 3 things.

1. Lines dividing the road

why the hell are there no lines dividing the road besides the major ones! im too nervous and busy handling driving to notice when im a teeny bit to far out to the right. they should just make people's life easier by painting that damn line. might just prevent some accidents from taking place.

2. Turn-abouts are from hell but are damn useful

actually turn-abouts are pretty useful i admit. imagine traffic lights every few hundred metres. nightmare! so turn-abouts are useful. but the signaling part is a nightmare. you have to turn on the right/left signal about 20 metres before you reach it then slow down, change the gear to 2nd, make a quick check left and right for no cars and continue driving on without stopping at all. when the car is moving, 20 metres is over in just 4 seconds or less. oh and you have to signal left when you're 3/4 past in the round-about and exiting it. see! signalling is a nightmare. >__<

3. The streets need to be more prominent

whenever the instructor says turn left/right at the next street, i can never spot it until im quite close to it and then i'll proceed to panic and make a blunder. seriously, they should stop growing trees at corners of streets. it's a danger hazard. imagine if im driving in the night. i could totally crash the car. :|

anyway i hope i'll be able to get my license on my first try here. even though im such a lousy and unsafe driver. i believe some people are meant to drive people around and some are meant to be driven around and that i belong to the latter category. :P but still, it's useful to have a drivers license. you never know when you need one. for example on a holiday or when you're so fortunate to win a car. XD ganbarimasu!~

well after i finished my driving lesson in the afternoon and after attending one of my flat mate's 21st party at my flat, i immediately went and watched more episodes of Onigokko from Ya-ya-yah! after watching one of it yesterday which i downloaded back in Singapore but never got a chance to watch, im addicted to watching Onigokko! i always enjoyed being a spectator of events like sports or shows so i can get quite into it. so im there shouting "ganbatte so-and-so!" silently while watching it! LOL seriously, i can just imagine how scary it was for them being chased by the onis.

after watching Onigokko with Kusano's first time participating, i kinda like Kusano more now. :P he really runs damn fast! even the camera guy couldn't keep up with him. ROFL and Massu runs pretty fast too. and Tegoshi is a scaredy-cat! no joke! he was so scared, he paired up with Massu once and was like "Massu, where are you. Im scared..." XD and when he paired up with Hikaru in another Yax3 segment where they had to enter a haunted house, even though he was older, he made Hikaru go in first and do all the scary stuff! LMAO and when the zombies suddenly pop out and corner them, Tegoshi was so scared he fell down and crawled out of the room while screaming "I didn't do anything!" and Massu's response when the zombie woke up is so funny! he apologized saying "I'm sorry!" seriously, when they're in a pinch, it results in tons of hilarious moments. :P

btw i printed and laminated my own poster of Yamapi from his AnAn magazine spread! all for just about AUD$5 which is waaaaay less then the amount i would have to pay if i continued with the transaction with saltypeanuts. cuz i printed and laminated it in my uni, i was soooo embarassed! at least a good 10 people saw me holding an A3 size picture of half-naked Yamapi! good thing i brought my large beach bag and stuffed the poster in immediately before more people saw. and now its sitting proudly on my desk beside my other Yamapi poster i brought from Singapore and my NEWS calendar which would probably permanently display January/Yamapi. XD

aight, im going to bed now. tomorrow im going to my uni's church instead of my Singapore's church branch. cuz its Easter Sunday! so they have some carnival going on. something fun once in a while. :D

tegoshi, tv show, kusano, massu, rants

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