Aug 25, 2004 18:03 started yesterday....
i dont feel right walkin down the halls. not because ima asenior or because i dont know all the new people and not cuz i feel intimidated...but because i shouldnt be walkin down the halls smiling w/out seeing chris smiling back at a way i feel guilty but i dont know why. i know chris would be happy that i am still friends with old friends and friends with old enemies *peace up nichole lol* ...and also cuz im in the ~05~ class but i just cant get over it. when i walked into the school yesterday morning tears came to my eyes. i mean this is all i talk about but i cant help it ....i guess im a mourner..what can i say.
me and sean has been hanging out lol fun times kinda.. lol
john called me lastnight it was fun times we just kinda talked about Jesus and stuff tryin to make me a better believer and he made me acctually feel a lil better. thanx
im goin to church tonight and on sunday i went to bible study lol that aint me but i am changing
i know chris always wanted me to go to church and believe in god more then i did. but it sucks that i decide to do it after the fact.. but i know he is proud.
well i guess ima go now and try to lift my ~spirits~