Jul 06, 2005 21:00
Nasnoona paced, back and forth, back and forth. She didn’t know what the voice had meant. How was she supposed to bring an end to this, while trapped in a cell? Sure, she could try to talk to them, try to reason with them… but they weren’t listening.
The only moment when she had thought she was getting through was when redlightspecial had asked shyly if she knew how Laura was. Unfortunately, Nasnoona had had to shake her head sadly. She could almost see the shutters fall behind his eyes; his face becoming an expressionless mask once more.
This wasn’t right; she had to get out of here.
Suddenly, the door opened and he was there, complete with high cheekbones, long eyelashes and eyes you could drown in. Well, maybe not literally… unless you were really, really small. And quite stupid, too.
She couldn’t help herself. She ran to him and hugged him.
It only took her a moment to see that something was wrong. She pulled back in horror.
“You’re… you’re the impostor…”
If she had needed confirmation, she saw it in the clinical smile that pulled across the doppelganger’s features.
“Her Greatness, Director Hez, will be most interested in that response,” replied the doppelganger. “Most interested, indeed.”
Nasnoona glared at him.
“I take it you’re here to get me out.”
He reached out an almost comforting hand to her shoulder. A moment later, a sharp hiss was heard.
“That and more, young lady. I’m here to arrest you.”
Nasnoona felt her legs go weak and her vision blur. She looked up, one last time, at the hazy mockery she had helped bring about, before surrendering to oblivion.