Ok, this is revenge on anyone who ever nudged me or encouraged me to keep posting on my LJ. Right near the bottom post of my LJ is a warning about this sort of thing, so you really have no one one to blame but yourselves.
I've been thinking a lot about how we relate to ourselves. It seems to me that society has told us that it's ok to be self-deprecating, but that thinking good things about yourself isn't good at all. It's setting yourself up to get shot down. But the problem with that is that, in our own minds, the stuff that is bad about ourselves ends up outweighing the things that are good. We spend all our time apologising, whether verbally or not, and don't get time to say, "hey, there's a good thing about myself". And I do reckon that we need to do that, because the only time we are ever going to be happy is if we can see good ourselves and have that foundation against whatever hits us.
So... I'm perverting LJ and starting a meme: "Five things I like about myself". It doesn't have to be too serious. Jokes are fine, as long as you are smiling at yourself. Here goes:
1. My hair. Don't get me wrong, it can be a nightmare sometimes. But truthfully, we are like one of those old bickering couples, we fight crazily, even play practical jokes on each other, but in the end, we both know that we love each other very much.
2. My sense of humour. See above. 'Nuff said.
3. I like the fact that small things can make me happy.
4. I absolutely adore my writing. But that's how it should be. Every story-writer should write a story they'd like to read. If not, what's the point?
5. I like my resilience. It makes me think of that long grass in that Buddhist saying (or whatever it is). Seemingly weak and weedy, all too easy to knock down, but surprisingly difficult to keep down.
Hm... I'm debating over whether or not to tag people. I have a suspicion they will not be amused. Ah, to heck with it, five optional tags to the five people I know best on LJ:
nasnoona and
norwegianblue47. Yes, I'm a mean, horrible, old grump. But think how many nice things you've said about other people on LJ. How hard can it be to say something nice about yourself?
*chuckles evilly*