I am the worst LJer ever...

Jul 15, 2009 18:05


I am now a qualified teacher.

I have a job that starts in September at an absolutely awesome school.

I got married last week.


Okay, I'm kidding on that last point. Sorry about my evil sense of humour! We'll leave the weddings to other members of my flist. (Go, Stu, go! Woo!)

And now I'm going to South Africa for a month on Friday. We're spending the first two weeks touring around on an adventure and then I'm teaching in a few schools out there.

These are the kind of things I'm supposed to update people about, aren't they?

Unfortunately, I've been mad-stressed. I'm trying to create a website - litshare.co.uk - which is a site for members on my course to share thoughts and resources during our first year of teaching. We'll probably expand it over the year. But it's so much work. I have to learn php coding and sort through hundreds of resources. Ah well... hopefully it'll be worth it.

So sorry for poor comment rate on other people's LJs and, yes, it'll probably be even worse for the next 5 weeks as I'm not in country.

I hope everybody has fantastic summers! And when I'm back I'll try to be a better LJer. Honest indian.

(Honest indian isn't offensive, is it? It's in my head because I watched the film of Swallows and Amazons the other day - which is an awesome children's book.)
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