Title: Sated by Snape
Author: Jey
j_folked Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: 100
Rating: PG, for implied sexual situations
Disclaimer: All characters and situations from Harry Potter are the property of JK Rowling and others. No copyright infringement is intended.
A.N.: Written during the last chat at the IRC channel of
lupin-snape that took place, um, last Thursday night, I believe. Completely silly. My only defense is that is was written in ten minutes give or take and it was late :P Unbeta'd.
Remus understood hunger. It was a constant reality, both for the wolf and himself. He remembered the times when he'd go days without tasting even stale bread. He remembered the years the wolf had spent without knowing the taste of flesh.
As he was trying to gather much needed breath, he felt amazed. Amidst the afterglow and myriad of emotions he felt something unknown, something unexpected, something new. For the first time in his life he was completely sated. Sated.
He felt timid fingers over his skin and he understood. He was sated by Snape and nothing else would do.