Jul 08, 2007 18:29
and I am loving it!!
I cant wait to go see The Mongoloids, Bitter End, War Hungry on Tues with Bryan
Should be some fun times
Alotta other stuff coming up this month too that should be fun as well
such as:
15th-DTN, Bracewar, Verse, Allegiance, I Rise, Clocked Out show at alley katz!
16th-Meltdown show at alley katz
17th-busch gardens
24th-possibly warped tour with jennie to def. see NFG
Aug. 1st-moving to richmond
Aug 10th-Blacklisted show
It feels good to know that as of right now I have my own place in Richmond
Just not quite there yet.
It's coming soon though and am just enjoying the best that I can my last few days here.
have a lot of stuff bought to move with but i need to buy just a few more things to finish it off with.
and thats all for now.
will possibly post again later!