Nov 12, 2006 22:58
First of all I would like to thank all my friends who posted a comment on the last entry. So lately I havent had the motivation to do basically anything, I rarely do my homework, and my grades have been slipping. I really dont know what to do because things have been complicated in my life. I just dont know how to handle it. lately I have also been listening to a lot of emo music, which means i have an emo mood coming up soon, so if I act wicked depressed dont send me to guidence(like last year) its just my way coping with life. I just want to do something extreme, maybe that will jump-start my life.
Also, I am getting a second job this winter and keeping for the summer and I'm gunna get a brand new car by next summer. What should i gte. It's gunna be a car, not truck, standard, not automatic, and good on gas.