Jun 15, 2006 15:31
Well last weekend was awesome. Friday night i saw Cars with the crew, it was really good, then we went to courtney's for some home made ice cream. I spent most of saturday hanging at the Grehalva household and i even helped danielle with the cake, my biggest contribution was probably licking the icing bowl. Later that night we all went for midnight sushi and then went to Banana Joe's for Seans 21st bday. He got really shitfaced and it was hilarious. It was probably the first time we've hung out together when he has been far drunker than me. I was proud.
The week has been going pretty well so far, i'm going out tonight to have 40oz margaritas. This weekend is city stages, woop woop, should be fun. I brought the turtles back to ttown this weekend, i've missed them. They've gotten bigger and more active and i love feeding them now. They fight over the food and its really funny.
You know what i'm tired of hearing about. Britney Spears and her fucking baby. I wish the media would stop giving her private life so much attention. Who cares if she makes a mistake at being a mother no one is perfect. My mom locked me in the car by accident when i was an infant and had to call the cops to get me out, i survived. God knows if that happened to britney we wouldn't hear the end of it. I'll give you the fact that riding with her baby in the front seat is stupid. But first time mothers aren't perfect. Anyway that pissess me off. And i don't want to hear about her "Manny" either. I'm just going to have to stop watching the news. It's stupid (sorry tyler).
Well i'm going out so i'll holla back