thank you alissa for this one!

Dec 01, 2004 02:30

  • Directions:: Finish the sentence to make it true about you…Bold, italicize or underline the part that you change. Replace “…” with your answer. *Get creative!*
  • If there is one thing I can’t stand it is when people are rude to bus drivers
  • My best friends are unlike anyone else and everything to me.
  • I would never wear Uggs...I'm sorry.
    One really good piece of advice someone has ever given to me was when i told my grandma as a little girl that I was going to grow up and marry a rich man she said, "why not grow up and be rich yourself?" not really advice but u get what I'm saying.
    If/When I get married I want my wedding to be full of family, friends, and pink gerber daisies, un-pretentious, and starring Matt Damon as the groom  
    My dream house MUST have a deck with a grill and an outdoor bar (because i am destined to become my dad i swear)
    My dream job is to be a beach bum in san diego and/or to get paid for something i love to do, i just haven't figured out what that is yet.
  • I really think someone should put a stop to all of these "singers" who aren't very good, don't write their own lyrics or music, and are only signed for their looks.
      Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive
     Surprisingly, I've taken Cantonese, ice-skating, and golf lessons. 
     When someone says "childhood" I think of swimming in the lake up NH, reelevio/kickball/and other games being played in the middle of mitchell st, and hiking through the blue hills w/danielle, jimmy, joe, annie, joe & fred
    I’m in love with a 1989 red buick regal custom named Mishaun Cherie. 
    I could eat Panera sandwhiches, apple pie, and cape cod potato chips everyday for the rest of my life and never get sick of it.
    The Ground Round (theres still one in Amherst!) is the best place to eat.
     If I were famous, I would LOVE it because of the clothes i would get to wear, the shopping i would get to do, and the fabulous presents i could buy for ppl....
    But I’d hate it because of the scrutiny, i know im not perfect no need to point it out to the rest of the world
    I'd rather be working at brighams than anywhere else, despite how little i make there.
     I don't think I could ever move permanently out of Massachusetts.
    . I have trouble opening bottles and jars.
    . I wish I was more creative,  and that i could think up lyrics and create music out of nothing.
    I would describe myself as fabulous (hey they asked me not you =).
    .I have a phobia of spiders and dark water.  
    I have crowd surfed This many times: 3
  •  BSB's Millenium Tour  is the first concert I ever went to.
  •  I've had a dog named dookie (RIP), a cat named Axl --changed to Tigger (RIP) and now a fish named Meng .
  •  I can't remember a time I didn't go to the Randolph Thanksgiving day game
  • . I love to wear my pink slippers form Target that say "toadily cool" w/a toad on them
    aviator sunglasses and boys who don't care how they look are hot.
     The most important issues to me are abortion, education, and civil liberties.
    . I think of my uncle every time I see a randomly placed penny or a flock of birds.
    . I am procrastinating on an essay due over 38 hours ago! right now.
     Something I don't like that many people do is cheese--any and all kinds
  •  I wish that some wealthy person would come along and offer to pay for my tuition...or at least buy me some dominoes cuz im hungry 
    I regret not trying harder in high school.
     I wish I could prevent boys from plucking their eyebrows! seriously, unless you are suffering from severe unibrow don't do that to yourself!
  • I want everyone in the world to OVERTIP their waitresses excessively.
  • I hope that I'm not a dissapointment to my Grandparents.
    I’ve always wanted a boy to throw stones at my window to wake me up like in the movies
    I can’t handle boogers.
     I dress in a lot of boy T-shirts.  
    In the morning I'm a bitch to get up but once i'm up im in a pretty good mood.
    One thing I love to do and would like to do more is play intramural sports!
  • My parents seemed shocked when I told them i could handle my own finances and proceeded to do so.
    I've been known to cry at just about every movie I watch
  • I am a nerd in that I love to hang out w/my aunts uncles and cousins drinking tea and playing scrabble.
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