Aug 30, 2004 19:22
bull shit bull shit bull shit thats all i hear these days...first off some people dont like answering there phone ANGIE U honestly make me mad as fuck and mark my works i dont give a fuck if i ever seen ur face again...u basically dissed me last week with that bullshit about kai answering ur phone what ever if u were that drunk u wouldnt have got up when he answered it and not less then 10 min later when u were home call me..dont feed me bullshit i see through it..u still see him dont say u dont i really dont care y lie to me..o well we will see how things come up when i get home..yea anyways people piss me off you know who u are talkin mad shit and thats all it is is bull shit..yea people know how much i hate talkin on the phone y was i up the last 2 nites long as fuck talkin to this girl....i dont no actually i do know...shes cool to talk to ..shes not a bad person..and no i am not hooking up with her we are just cool i guess...cant be gettin involved with females right now...and im talking about relationships...nothing but headaches what the fuck i dont know about her tho i dont no what she thinks about me..i think were just cool..i cant wait to get off restriction i got so many plans college partying...BRONX a couple more times..i been to one party in the bronx at gomezes my boy on the ship and i got robbed some 1 broke into my car and took about 100 cds 50 dvds and about 7 fitteds i got over it o well theres nothing i could do so o well but yea INCREDIBLE HULK BEOTCH is the shit didnt do shit today really but eat sleep and shit and shower no shave