1+2=1 (Part Three)

Apr 28, 2008 21:12

Okay, I know that I haven't been on in ages (understatement). But life has been kinda spiraling outta control. School, my brother, life...  I'm starting to get more than a little depressed, and it ain't pretty.

So, I appologise for the long wait, but here is part three of ??? and I hope that someone cares that I've posted it.

Gabriel wandered upstairs, looking for something to do. 'Sundays are boring,' she thought to herself, logging onto her MSN, smiling when Erin opened up a convo. Unaware that this is where she would find her undoing.

At school Gabriel was torn. She had to spent time with Maya (and that group) separated from Temperance and Kara, who soon became upset about not getting enough time with their friend.

“Guys please. I’m trying my best to make this work.” Gabriel said when she was alone with Temperance and Kara.

“We know. It’s just that we shouldn’t have to share you.” Kara said.

“I know. It sucks to be you guys right know. But I need your support with this. I’m almost falling apart as it is.” Gabriel paused. “What if we merged out two groups? I know that your not the best of friends with Nicole and Claire, but I want to be with all of you.”

Temperance and Kara looked at each other for a moment, deciding. “Okay, we’ll try it.”

“Thank you.” Gabriel smiled, pulling both of them into a hug.


Gabriel soon came to realise it was pointless to try to have a decent conversation with Maya over MSN. Responses were few and far between, and Gabriel soon found interest in talking with Erin.

Erin would open up her web cam, and the two would talk for hours, Erin making Gabriel laugh at every second remark.

It was then that Erin opened up to Gabriel.

Who needs drugs?? says:

shizz i dont like this part of the converstaion..

Who needs drugs?? says:


Who needs drugs?? says:

I'm gonna say something perverted..

Jeanne::   What are you? Sleeping beauty? says:

say something....

Who needs drugs?? says:

Ready for it

Jeanne::   What are you? Sleeping beauty? says:


Who needs drugs?? says:

ok well the 1st day of school and i saw you my knees went all weak

Jeanne::   What are you? Sleeping beauty? says:

*falls off chair*

Who needs drugs?? says:

Yeah i have that effect on people.

Who needs drugs?? says:

and when Maya asked you out only HOURS after dumping her bf i knew something was up..then she asked u out and i was DEVESTATED

Jeanne::   What are you? Sleeping beauty? says:

*totally faints*

Who needs drugs?? says:


Jeanne::   What are you? Sleeping beauty? says:

okay, this is just weird. No one is ever interested in me...and now the both of you?

Who needs drugs?? says:


Who needs drugs?? says:


Who needs drugs?? says:

just thought i'd get that off my chest

Gabriel smiled to herself, letting Erin change the topic.


With Maya holding Gabriel in her arms most of the time at school, the other kids soon began talking.

One period while on the Agriculture farm at the back of the school, a few girls came up to Gabriel and Kara. A blonde named Mandy pushed forward a former friend of Gabriel’s. “Jade has something she wants to ask you.”

Jade smiled slightly, as if she was trying to break the news gently, though Gabriel knew that she didn’t really care. “Is it true that you are dating Maya?” She asked, for the whole class to hear. Gabriel knew most of them would have heard the rumour, if not the ones who had started it.

Gabriel was shocked that someone had come right out and asked her though, and she took a second trying to think of the right response. She gave up, settling on a “Um… maybe.”

The girl nodded, moving back to the rest of her group.

For the rest of that class, whenever Gabriel walked past, she would hear the boys whisper “Dyke.” Which was hurtful yet made her smile at the same time.

‘Dyke’ wasn’t really an insult to her, using it as many lesbians did, to identify themselves as tomboy lesbians. It had been Maya who had first called her a dyke, and Gabriel had taken it to heart, feeling that it was who she was.

On the other hand it was hurtful only because these boys were using a word they didn’t understand to try to hurt her, as if it was a bad thing.

She was crowed by questions. “Do you use a strap-on?” “What colour is your dildo?” “What’s it like to fuck a girl?” “Can we watch you?”

Gabriel had only been dating Maya for a few weeks, if that, and it wasn’t like sex had even crossed her mind. She was pissed off by the ignorance of those who like to pretend that they knew about things they didn’t have a clue about.

But their teacher had heard something one of the boys said, and yelled at him for a good three minutes before sending him out of the class.

Both Gabriel and Maya received shit for the rest of the day, hearing lesbian at every corner, which dug deep for Maya, considering she was actually bi.

It didn’t bother Gabriel though. They may as well have been whispering about the fact that she was a girl, of had blue eyes.

Gabriel took comfort in her friends, which now came to include Nicole and Claire, and Erin over the internet.

She invited Erin over after school one day with Temperance and Kara, though Erin stayed for hours after they had both left.

They talked about guitar, music, friends, life. They hung out like this for a few days after school, becoming close.

One night, Gabriel agreed to walk Erin back to her house, which wasn’t far. Erin invited her in when they got their, to see her guitar. And Gabriel agreed. They were there for about half an hour until Gabriel looked out the window and saw it was dark.

“Shit, Erin I gotta go. I told my parents I would be 15 minutes.”

Erin nodded, yelling at her parents that she was walking Gabriel halfway home. But Erin’s dad appeared.

“No way. I am not letting you back through the park by yourself. Your mother it going out in ten minutes, she can drop you off.”

Gabriel panicked. She knew her parents were going to be so mad.

“No, dad. She’s got to go now.” Erin insisted, but he shook his head. When he turned around, Erin pushed Gabriel out the gate, and down the path.

They were a safe distance from the house and Erin slid a hand onto Gabriel’s back, and down, resting on her ass.

Gabriel repressed a smile, not minding at Erin’s move, though when Maya did the same, she tensed.

All of a sudden, there was a light on them. They turned and saw Erin’s brother coming after them with a flashlight and a cell phone.

“Wait up!” He called, but Erin told Gabriel to keep walking. He caught up just as they were about to cross the road.

“I have to come with you.” He said. Though he was younger than them, he had a big build and looked a lot older than he was.

“No way.” Erin replied, all of a sudden speaking a language that Gabriel didn’t understand, but Erin’s brother responded fluently.

“What did you say?” Gabriel asked the boy, and Erin snapped at him to say quite.

“We are going over there. We will be back in a minute.” Erin said. “Stay here.”

“Yeah, over there to where it is dark.” Gabriel heard him say under his breath.

Erin dragged Gabriel across the road, into the darkness. They both stopped, turning to face each other. Gabriel doesn’t remember what they said, but it was interrupted by Erin grabbing her hands, moving in to kiss her.

Gabriel stepped back, preventing the kiss. She was so conflicted. She wanted Erin so much, more than she had ever wanted Maya, but she knew that that was wrong.

“Erin, I can’t.” Gabriel breathed slowly.

“Sure you can.” Erin stood on her toes lightly, stopping her from stepping back, so Gabriel leaned back, as much as it killed her.

“Erin please.” Gabriel begged, and Erin got the message, moving back.

“I promise tomorrow, if you come over.” Gabriel whispered, pressing a quick kiss to Erin’s cheek, turning and running for home, knowing she would never make it in time.

And she was right. Her dad yelled at her for a good ten minutes before her mother came home, telling her off and making Gabriel unstable mood even worse.


-There you have it. Part Three. 
-As per usual, tell me of any mistakes. This is raw material.
-And, thanks for reading.


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