Feb 01, 2006 18:32
Today was a real good day! In Brad's I don't remember what we did really..ohh yeah it was a paper thing..I didn't finish of course because I write extremely slow..for real! Then we listened to music for 2 minutes. In Minion we did a work sheet thing too..Shew Chad cracks me up...I was playin with him like tellin him I'm gonna marry him, he probably thinks I'm serious haha that kid cracks me up...I think we might be cousins? Then I went to lunch..we had tomato soup..I ate like 2 things of it..I wish it was chicken noodle though =( Britta and Jadey drove today-Yay for them! But that sucks that they have to do it during lunch. I went and talked to everybody like I do everyday. Then I went to Brent's class and took a lot of notes..of course. Then I went to Sykes' though she wasn't there it was Blake..I love Blake. So we took like a huge test..we all cheated..and it was real obvious. Then lil' Meg gave me and Jade the answers to this other thing we had to take..how sweet! I talked Jade into riding my bus..we almost it! We had to run and bang on the door. It was funny! Then I came home. Ate, slept..and here I am...I didn't go to the game=( I kinda over slept.. So now all I have to do is study, take a long bath, and call my hunny bunny sugar plum!
I'm in love with Jack Black and Jeremy Counts!♥ And they both know it!