Aug 01, 2007 23:13

you're surprised....aren't you?

oooooh yes you are.

well anyways. this is what happened over the passed two days.
me. checking my email. reading crap school books, and the checking my email repeadetly inbetween cleaning my room and scarfing down cereal.

the END.
and these pictures. i finally got some shots with meh kitty when she came bouncing into the bathroom while i was taking some of the beanie shots.


and then....

so that is my Grace. she is sooo fluffy and soft. and sweet sometimes.

she is very selective of who she lets pet her...making her a DIVA.

but yeah. just experimenting with meh leopard print umbrella and junk.
it's amazing the looks that you can get from Mexicans in a Chinese restaurant when you go in wearing chains, rhinestones, and leopard print. God bless all of the entertainment i get from it.

I miss school. a lot.  Only one and a half more weeks. then after this year...i am FREE FROM THIS HELL HOLE SCHOOL!
you ask why i miss school when i hate this one?
I love having a schedule and routine more than i hate the people there.
There are acceptions, but most of them are complete's unbearable, seeing them do everything within reason, and even more without to keep with the popular crowd. God forbid they have to be known as the people that hang out with kids that don't have any friends.

That is my goal this year, to make friends with the younger, cooler kids that don't have many. Why? Not to win an award, not for attention, it's because i was one of them, and most of those kids are amazing, and yet pushed down by their stupid 12-year old classmates that think they are the sheeyawt because they wear Abercrombie and drink iced coffee. Bitches.  There is especially one group that i won't particularly name, but they are total whores.  I kid you not, they are the exact reincarnation of the Mean Girls from the movie, they are THAT bitchy.  Lucky me got stuck in art class EVERYDAY last school year, listening to their horrible renditions of "HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON"T LIKE UR GF!!"

i have no mercy for them, because they deserve none. No spoiled 12-year-old girl does.
OMG LIEK EXXCUUUUSE ME! they will be a whole 13 this year!! LIIEK OMG!

so yes. i think that was the first actual full-blown rant in my short LJ life.
*throws confetti*

i shall totally smite them with my verbage this year. i'm not taking any crap from them, and i'm not letting the other nicer girls take it from them either. And i will be of the seniority, so they shall cower under my automated-senior-scare-the-living-crap-out-of-everyone-because-you're-the-oldest-and-are-graduating-ness.
Take that you little blonde Valley-girls.

God, I am old and bitter. Where has time gone?? Even the days are getting faster.
I blame Global Warming, but that's probably just because it's late.
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