From the Vault or Something for my Fellow RP Nerds

Oct 26, 2009 16:09

Oh my god no... its A QUIZ!

Actually I think some of you might find this kind of fun.

I produced this quiz with the help of a dear friend years ago. I've decided to trot it out again for people to have fun with. I'm not going to tag anyone but do let me know if you take and post the quiz. I'd love to know more about you and your characters!

Please add or expand on questions as you see fit.

You may wish to simply repost the quiz in your own journal with your answers instead of trying to comment where you may run afoul of a maximum word limit.

The Role-Playing Character Quiz

-Introductory Questions-

How long heave you been roleplaying?
What medium do you use? (ex: Dungeons and Dragons, MUDs, Live Action, hand puppets, etc.)
Who are your favorite characters?
Do you cross-play? (Play characters that are not of the gender you identify with)
Who was your first character?
Who is your latest character?
Most Popular Character?
Which character is most like you?
Who would you like to be more like?
Who’s the character you love but haven never played?

-Which character would be most likely to-

Murder someone?
Have a mental breakdown?
Do something stupidly dangerous for fun?
Lay down his or her life for a stranger?
Refuse to ask for directions?
Play in a band?
Perform Shakespeare?
Star in a horror movie?
Star in an action movie?
Star in a sitcom?
Star in a Porn?
Star in a Videogame?
Get married?
Fall in love?
Make the world a better place?
Regret his or her life?

-Word Association-

Relate each word to one of your characters.


-The Best and the Most-

Who of your characters is the most realistic?
Who is the most fun to play?
Who do you respect most?
If you had a popularity contest within your group of characters who would win?
With who’s views do you agree with most?
Who kisses the best?
Who would react best to realizing he or she is going to die?
Who would react the worst?
Who would do best in school?
Write out a high school transcript for your characters. (Grades in English, Math, Science, History, Foreign Languages, Gym, and teacher’s notes)
Who would be most interesting drunk? Describe them.
Which one of your characters would make the best roommate?
Dance partner?
Super villain?
Business partner?

-Random Inquiries-

Who would resent knowing they’re a character?
Who wouldn’t mind?
Which of your characters do you like as a person?
Who would you most like to actually meet?
Who would you not like to actually meet?
Your alien and bestial characters, what would they look like if they were human?
Who would be happy in a boring, safe little job in a cubicle?
Who dreams of flying?
Pick a character and outline his or her soulmate.
Who would like you? As a person, not a creator.
Who is happy?
Who probably drove his or her parents crazy as a kid?
What animal most suits the personality of each of your characters?
What color most suits them?
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