(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 11:59

in all the days
of my life
that have passed
forgetful and uneventful ‘till now
i’ve never met a girl quite like you.

beautiful and brilliant in so many wonderful ways

the way you light up a room,
just by being in it
the brightness you radiate
blinds my eyes wide open
a pulse visible on my skin

the way you smile,
delicate, like a pillow
on which i rest a heavy head
my breathing feathers
and i smile too

the way you think,
deep, deep as the seas
a dive submerged in meaning
frequent questions you float
only surfacing open

the way you sing,
your enchanting melodies
my heart full and bound
my mind hypnotized
laying peace upon me

the way you unselfishly give,
all the songs you’ve lived
music and words of experience
honest to yourself
and to those you hold dear

the way you see the world,
it gives me hope
that love is not absent
an unpierced apple’s flesh
in a natural good

the way you are.

and if i was granted
one wish to come true
it would be to spend
forever with you

Easter Sunday, 2005
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