Aug 01, 2005 22:50
tagged because i'm bored... heh!
10 Years Ago - I was 10 years old, about to enter middle school. I began falling in love with the Beatles music and good classic rock stuff. I might have gone on vacation that summer with my family, to like the mountains in Virginia. I bet I had fun. I had just finished growing out my bangs and I've had all-one-length hair ever since.
5 Years Ago - I was 15 years old, and suffering my first of many bouts of teenage angsty depression crap. I ran cross-country and gained about 20 pounds of muscle. I quit running because it was dumb, and kept writing because it was the only thing that helped. I'm glad I kept writing.
1 Year Ago - I was 19, just finished year 1 at Westminnie. I worked at the YMCA camp in Pulaski homes and became a supreme professional player of Guess Who? and I can still play without using the flip board.
Yesterday - I went shopping with my mom and bought amazingly rad pink shoes, Matt and I watched the end of the première partie of the most awesome French movies ever. I ate a lot. I printed a list of things to think about packing.
Tomorrow - I will work more on packing, doing some Eurailpass research, maybe watercolouring. Working in the evening.
5 Snacks I Enjoy - Chips/cheesies/popcorn etc. of almost any genre and flavor, Vanilla ice cream or frozen custard, Heart-Attack Bagels courtesy of maman, Fit'n'Active crackers (better than wheat thins), Cashews (ahhh my weaknesses have been revealed!!!!)
5 Bands/Artists That I Know the Lyrics to Most of Their Songs - The Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stevie Wonder, Jack Johnson, Rusted r00+
5 Things I Would Do With a $100,000,000 - Put in savings, donate. Buy more shoes I don't need, but look cute and are comfy. Buy guitar and accessories. Buy awesome computer/techie things. Get air conditioning? Or maybe make a downpayment on my own place.
5 Locations I Would Like to Run Away to - physically running? Not that far. Maybe to the river, C-way. In a car or something? I'd go to Alaska. New Orleans. Chicago. On an easy walking pace, but with backpacking? I'd go all over the U.S. like the way Forrest Gump did, but at a slower pace.
5 Bad Habits I Have - I'm not good at vocal expression at crucial moments, I tend to write things down instead.
On the other hand, I don't consider holding back any truths for good or for bad, I am way stuck on openness and honesty no matter what.
Once in awhile I fiddle around on Brutus in my car, and that's kinda dangerous.
I use guy deodorant? I like it! Shuddup!
And I think about things that make me sad, even if I know I will be sad. Oh well.
5 Things I Like Doing - Listening to/creating music/singing all the time. Doing other various art forms like watercolours, ceramics, photography, chalks. Being loud. Making out. IMing.
5 Things I Would Never Wear - anything that is gross "mom color" salmon-y red-orange.. OR "baby poop green" (THANKS LEAH!). Intentionally mismatched socks, that's just fuck`tarded. Glasses I wore back in like 7th grade, ew. Jean jacket that is not the exact same fade/color/style of the jeans that go on my legs. AND shorts... I'll only do shpants forevermore.
5 T.V. Shows I Like(d) - David the Gnome, MacGyver, the Cosby Show, 8-track Flashback, Seinfeld.
5 Movies I Like - Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Dead Poet's Society, DOGMA, The Breakfast Club, Three Kings.
5 Famous People I Would Like to Meet - Ghandi, John Lennon, Conan O'Brien, Jack Black, Jesus.
5 Biggest Joys At the Moment - Sleeping. Eating. Driving places while singing oh so loud and wonderfully along with Brutus. Getting voicemails at work!! Daydreaming/preparing for the fall semester.
5 Favorite Toys - Flarna. My digital camera. Brutus. Mikeandpeter. AIM.