whoa man there was a turtle in the road and my dad was like w00 lets get it so he backed up and i put the lil guy on my lap for the ride home and omg its so cute!! i havent seen a box turtle near my house in years!
MUAHAHAHA this guy's awesome!
hmm... yeah pretty much all guys are awesome. because i like boys!
*boys!!! (boysterosity voice) 0.o
i wrote something cool last night around 2:30 AM, here it is
I wish you to be
as an old book,
I read it all before
so many times,
I cant forget it
the plot pours
thick, rich -
soft, sweet, sexy,
and just enough raw emotion
to be lifelike.
but the book sat dusty
the bookmark misplaced
so many pages undiscovered.
I'd love to begin it again
any day
the story could become a favorite yet...