So you know how your Mom sends you pics and powerpoints and files you really don't want to read?
Well, she scored with this one.
The mail these pics came in swears this was a real exchange. Maybe it's not,but I'm running with it.
Now, I haven't been a Catholic for a long time. I'm an Atheist, but I'm not a hatefilled ex-Catholic. I don't think religious faith is in itself a bad thing, just as humanistic beliefs are not in themselves good things. Nor do I think the entire belief system is wrong because of the gross failures of it's leadership for thousands of years.
Trust me... every form of belief system or movement has had genocidal maniacs, officials who abuse their position for sexual and monetary gain, and so on.
That being said, I did think the Catholic Church I was brought up in did get the right emphasis on love, salvation, and hope over damnation and despair. And the Priests on the Catholic side in this exchange got it right, for once.
Plus what would be heaven be without rocks for geologists, and dogs for everyone (including geologists?) I mean, the only reason to hate rocks is if they disprove your young Earth theology.
So go Team RC. You lose a gazillion points on women's rights, using the US immigration debate to increase your US laity, and the failure as an institution to address the sexual abuse of your parishoners.
But this priest won a couple points back for you in my book.