Apr 14, 2010 23:46
So I've paid my taxes today. I'm glad to. I don't like some of the stuff the money is going towards,
Stop getting in yo damned crypto-facist militia's and let's get back to nation building.
Anyhow, I finished Dragon Age:Origins the second time. On a day off that involved puttering, taxation, and rest, a huge dose of gaming was in order.
Rather than go onto Dragon Age:Awakenings, rather than work on the new version of the first character I played in the game, I decided to go back and play through all the different origins. Hardly the most innovative idea, but hey, why not?
What was interesting was how you really do see the main story from different angles.. certain characters you barely notice in one playthrough become more important in another. Places mysteriously empty in one game or wide open in the next.
Or, characters who are friends in playthrough are victims in the next.
Don't get me wrong: DA stands on the shoulders of Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls, and many other games (some of them being written by the same creators), but it really does take a nice jump in storytelling.
Honestly, not having spending enough time creating realities of my own, taking time to game, or read up on comics ( if not really buying any, thanks NEWSARAMA,WIKIPEDIA) and just watch these universes grow, the creators interact, is half the fun.
Oh, and liked the finale of Ugly Betty. It wasn't my show until I ended up with someone who loved it, but it was satisfying and just vague enough.
dragon age