Sep 15, 2006 07:55
This isn't really and entry and you're not really reading it either. You just think that you are.
Yesterday I was playing a bit of football in the drawing room and I tripped over someone's bra...Let's just say it wound around my ankles to the point that I literally fell and hit the coffee table. It wasn't pretty. There was blood on the sofa cushions and I thought for sure; said bra owner was going to have a row with me. Instead she was too concerned about the cut I received on my chin. Not to mention that I bit my tongue ever so slightly. I think she was afraid that it wouldn't be able to perform its normal tonguly duties. Yes, tragic, I know. So despite all of which I am now grounded from playing football in the house. She said that if I do it again she will take a scissor and puncture my ball. Just the mere fact that she was eyeing my crotch at the time and not the black and white object on the floor, struck fear into my very soul and I shant do it again...Amen
I have new icons..I don’t know what to name them. 1, 2, 3 and so on works.