Dec 12, 2004 00:49
So, finals are this week, and while everyone else is either home, studying for some gen ed trying to make an A instead of a B or B instead of a C, I'm struggling to get a D on my Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 Final so I can get a C in the course. Accordingly, I've decided to change majors. I think I'm gonna switch to Microbiology or Health Science (Pre-Professional), both of these majors don't require courses like Statics, Hydrodynamics, Rheaological properties, Fluid mechanics and Heat/Mass Transferance, like my current major does. haha. I really don't have the motivation to take all these mathematics/physical sciences when i don't need them to be a doctor, I'm not gonna be an engineer, so it seems like a waste. Anyways, does anyone know anything about these majors, do you like them, are they good, etc. Let me know, it'd really help me along here. Besides that I'm stressed about my final, everything else is good, I've been checking out a lot of new music and here's some recommendations on CD's:
From First To Last - Dear Diary My Teenage Angst Has A Body Count
Big D & The Kids Table - How It Goes
Rise Against - Siren Song Of The Counter Culture
I've also seen some good movies this year, namely: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Garden State, I Heart Huckabees, and The Professional (Le'on).
Has anyone seen Sideways yet, is it good?
Ocean's 12 is ok, saw it yesterday; can't wait to get home and relax, no school to deal with, and just chill w/ the SCRU and be with Lindsey. There is a good concert back at home on Dec. 26: Against All Authority with Bum Ruckus (their last show). I'm definitely going and I'm sure that Chris and Jerry are down, who else is coming?
That pretty much covers it, sorry bout the long post, just needing something to help me chill out. See everyone soon.