(no subject)

Jun 25, 2005 13:19

ya um, if this comes up twice in your friends list im sry...

so i was sitting on my lazy but thinking wouldnt it be awsom to post some icons i've made and then people could use them... so, lo and behold.

i diddnt do it.

but that was a week ago

now i shall share mine, but be warned... they are so cute. sept one, its kinda how should i put this, " emotional pain, mor that physical, bha, im babbling... so tell me to shut up, and i will...

firs up we have
such beauty. took me a bit to make but then i found out there is a text formatting tool, ha go figure.

then we have,
what more could you ask for, i found a buch of pics, so i decided to pic ones that best discribe Nausicaa, and put them all together. heehee.

and now for the "its kinda how should i put this, " emotional pain, mor that physical, bha, im babbling... so tell me to shut up, and i will..."

ya its sketchy, and hard to read, but you can make out an ohmu, and nausicaa, providded you know the seen or not its pritty self explanitory.

ya thats about it, i only have on requirment about the icons... where them well, free to use by any one. you dont have to give me credit, but it would be a nice gesture, wouldnt it. ok im off to make more, or maybee i'll go do some thing invalving work, naa. ^-^
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