(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 19:43

ya so im severly depressed right now, ither im happy hunky dory, or im depressed, there is no middle for me, any who, i need a compressor, any one got one i can barrow, probly not seeing as how every body one my friends list has suddenly dissapeared (you know who you are and im pissed for u not telling me), or they live in other states. why does my life suck, can any one explain that for me, please.

nick im taking your advice and in it goes.

use me while u can

while walking one day i was thinking
i'm 15 going on 16
and yet some times
some places
i feal im going on 40

every thing is advancing
new technoligy
new things to learn
more than i can take

i'm obsoliet
i said to my self
like an old type writer
stron, durrable, but out datted

like a bicycle
fast, dependable, and ready to go
but my neighbore has a Harly
whats a bike to do

so like the metal bodies of
the type writer, and bicycle
i will sit here and rust
or will i

getting up to splash my face
i take my self to the buffing wheel
i put a new ribbon in my spool
i might be getting old in age
but im still a usable tool.
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